Car Crash Lawyers in Traverse City, Michigan
Car Crash Lawyers
Northern Michigan's Car Crash Lawyers
Ringsmuth Wuori PLLC is dedicated to helping seriously injured people rebuild their lives and rehabilitate families after car accidents and automobile crashes.
As a personal injury law firm, we have decades of experience handling almost every type of injury or death case. We believe in our clients; we believe in the claims we bring on their behalf. We investigate what happened and why, and explain what can be done legally to right a wrong.
We have been involved in many car crash cases around the Country ranging from throughout Michigan to Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey and North Carolina.
We have handled automobile crash cases that cover a tremendous range, including: car crashes, brain injury, burn injury, catastrophic injury, dangerous workplace, elderly abuse in nursing homes, motorcycle crashes, premises liability, semi-truck crashes, spinal cord Injuries, sexual harassment, whistleblower claims, wrongful death, chemical hazard, dog bites, explosions and fires, airplane and bus crashes, and ski/snowboard injuries.
Each case is different, each client unique. We value the individual needs of each client and strive to obtain their needs and goals within the legal system so that out of tragic circumstances, some peace of mind can be obtained.
Our entire staff is committed to helping injured and wronged individuals that have experienced car crashes or automobile accidents to obtain the compensation and justice to which they are entitled under law. We are here to help.
Car Crash And Automobile Accident Attorneys
Michigan’s No Fault law has become increasingly difficult for injured people during recent years, due to the automobile insurance industry’s lobbying. You must remember that the insurance company is not there to help you most of the time. The company is trying to save money, often by getting you to give up many of your rights unknowingly.
Because insurance companies have become very aggressive in denying victims’ claims, we strongly recommend you make no statements to insurance adjusters about the crash or your injuries until you have spoken with a personal injury attorney. You should also check to see if you have what is called “un/underinsured motorist coverage.” This may help you in your right to recover fair compensation, and it would be found in your own insurance coverage paperwork.
There are two important types of claims: First-party claims involve claims usually under your own insurance policy for medical bills, wage loss, and services. Third-party claims involve claims against a driver who caused the victim’s injuries. We have taken many, many car crash cases to trial, and obtained verdicts as well as settlements. The No Fault Act citation is MCL 500.3101 et seq. The statute of limitations for filing a claim for medical bills/wage/services/property is generally 1 year; the statute of limitations for filing a claim for automobile negligence against the person causing the crash is generally 3 years, although there are some exceptions.
Do not let an insurance company representative convince you to wait for negotiations to be completed, because the courts have held that a suit may expire regardless of what the insurance adjuster tells you.
* These automobile injury cases are chosen from many more, to illustrate some of the variety of the issues we have dealt with.
Automobile Accident and Car Crash Verdicts & Settlements
Semi-Truck Trailer/Car Crash: $2.3 million verdict
A propane gas tanker truck was going through a wet curve too fast in northern Michigan and lost control of the trailer. It crossed the centerline hitting a retired couple coming the other way. The crash caused severe pelvic, leg and foot injuries as well as nerve damage. The semi driver claimed a “phantom” car had crossed the centerline causing him to take evasive action and lose control of the trailer.
We were able to prove there was no “phantom vehicle” and that the semi driver violated many basic safety rules causing the crash. The jury verdict was for pain and suffering only, and stands as the largest injury verdict in northwest Michigan ever.
Trailer Detaches Causing Crash: $1.3 Million Settlement
A commercially owned truck was towing a trailer that had not been safely attached to the truck. The trailer broke away from the truck, crossed the centerline and crashed into an oncoming truck.
The crash caused a broken femur needing a rod to be surgically implanted and ultimately a knee replacement and lower back surgery. The commercial truck driver claimed the trailer hitch failed, but we were able to prove that it was not safely set up to begin with.
Car Crash: $1.125 Million Settlement
A young man was killed on a bicycle when struck from behind at night by a 16-year old driving his father’s company car. The 16-year old claimed that the bicyclist swerved out in front of him, causing the crash. However, we were able to prove that the 16-year had a long history of smoking marijuana, and had just smoked some 30 minutes before hitting and killing the bicyclist.
Car Crash: $1 Million Settlement
A young man was killed during a wedding reception road trip when the vehicle he was riding in crashed due to driver intoxication. The issue of permissive use was key, and it took extensive discovery (depositions and investigation) to establish that the car owner had given permission for the car to be driven. Investigation was also important in determining who was driving the car at the time of the crash.
Drunk Driver T-Bones Young Girl: $475,000 Settlement
A young girl driving home suffered soft tissue injuries and a mild brain injury when a drunk driver ran a red light, broad-siding her. The key to the case in obtaining such a favorable settlement was working with her doctors to understand the impact this mild brain injury and soft tissue damages to her back had on her life. Also, through good legal work, the judge ruled that we could bring up the fact that the driver was drunk, something usually not allowed in Michigan.